Type As who will stress over every single detail and won't rest until it's perfect? They become more intense. Period.

If there is one thing I know, it's this: whatever type of person you are, those qualities become magnified during the college application process. Check out how my services can help

How can I help you?

Disclaimer: human beings are beautifully nuanced. I'm in no way suggesting that you or your child posses only one trait. Of course we can all be incredibly intense and detail oriented in some areas of our life, and drag our feet in others. It just happens that the college application process makes these two qualities more acute. 

My perfectionist friends definitely benefit from some good old fashioned one on one time to get every part of the application packet SUBMIT- READY. Meanwhile The Activity Edge Workbook will help them to make ALL of you activities really stand out

Procrastinators who wait until the VERY last minute to get things done? Yea, given how new, stressful, and high stakes this process is? They might put it off even more.

 For my friends who work best (?) under pressure: You need to get ahead of the game. For you? The FREE College Planning Calendar and the Authentic Applicant Membership will help to keep you on a consistent track while being held accountable. 

The parents who just wants to help? You MAY be pushed away even further by the procrastinator, MIGHT be holding so much anxiety for the TYPE A, and will likely be told you "don't know what you're talking about" (for the zillionth time as a parent) by both types. Parenting...sigh. 

Oh, parents: I understand you. I have my own children, one of whom is a teenager, and I have guided so many families through this process. For you? My free resources: the personal essay webinar and the free college planning calendar will help to alleviate some of your fears and add some structure to your conversations!

Frequently Asked Questions

Most sessions are around 45 minutes to one hour. If we are on a roll, we may go past an hour. However, I find that 45 minutes to one hour is the sweet spot. 

how long are your coaching sessions?

My course is called the Authentic Applicant. Therefore, I lead with curiosity and compassion to find out who my client is, what they are trying to communicate best. I listen first, and always make sure my clients know that this is THEIR experience and voice...not mine. 


First and foremost? I work with students. Like other college coaches, I have read and assessed hundreds (maybe thousands) of college essays in my tenure. More importantly, I understand teenagers. I work with them every. single. day. I know well and can handle the various manifestations of their stress as they approach this milestone. I'm also acutely aware of how students and their needs have changed in a post-Covid world (hint: they've changed a lot). Students and families feel safe with my level of professional and personal expertise. 

what makes you different than other coaches?

Simply put? I don't. As much as I'd love to guarantee that students will get into the college of their choice if they work with me, we know that's an untenable statement. However, having said that? The vast majority do 

Do you have a refund policy?


Unsure of which product or services will work best for you or your child? Give me a call so we can figure it out together. No conversation is a bad one, and no conversation is a waste of time. 

free 15 minute consultation

Broken down by season, this calendar encourages students (freshman through senior) to keep focused on their authentic interests and strong connections (as well as the tests and forms they need to fill out) so that by the time their senior year comes around, they have everything in order!

College Prep Calendar

Discover the real topics in which colleges are interested BEFORE you or your child begin the personal essay. Surprise: they don't need to be as magnanimous as you think. Have your notebook and pen ready! You're going to want to take notes. 

Take the Pressure off Webinar


Harvard is replacing the longer supplemental essay option with these REQUIRED shorter responses. 
Harvard College’s New Required Short Prompts
1. Harvard has long recognized the importance of enrolling a diverse student body. How will the life experiences that shape who you are today enable you to contribute to Harvard?
2. Briefly describe an intellectual experience that was important to you.
3. Briefly describe any of your extracurricular activities, employment experience, travel, or family responsibilities that have shaped who you are.
4. How do you hope to use your Harvard education in the future?
5. Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

Harvard Overhauls College Application in Wake of Affirmative Action Decision

August 3, 2023